Foreign Rights Contacts

Sample Translations Fiction

  Name Größe  
"Thunder Rolls in From the North" by Markus Thielemann 195.98 KB
"Because Of Him" By Zora del Buono 221.8 KB
"The Conspiracy of the Crows" by Markus Gasser 91.65 KB
"Like Everyone Else, Just Different" by Nora Eckert 164.48 KB
"Unformed Days" by Annika Domainko 182.27 KB
"Interior Weather" by Elke Schmitter 283.86 KB
"The Journey to the Border" by Grete Weil 136.17 KB
"The Marschallin" by Zora Del Buono 155.94 KB
"Black Powder" by Laura Lichtblau 158.87 KB
“High Mass in Naples” by Stefan von der Lahr 103.55 KB

Susanne Simor
Foreign Rights Director

Phone: 49 (0) 89 381 89 228
Fax: 49 (0) 89 381 89 624

Jenny Royston
Foreign Rights Fiction

For Fiction titles: Italian and Hungarian Translation Rights please contact: Susanne Simor
For all other Translation Rights in the fiction list please contact:

Phone: 49 (0) 89 38189-335
Fax: 49 (0) 89 381 89 587

Anna-Sophia Mäder
Foreign Rights Manager
For Non-Fiction titles: Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic
Translation Rights please contact:

Phone: 49 (0) 89 38189-346
Fax: 49 (0) 89 381 89 624

Verlag C.H.BECK
Wilhelmstrasse 9
D – 80801 München