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Worlds of Delusion

Achim Haug

A woman is convinced that trillions of microscopically small beings live in her body, give her orders and perpetually comment her actions. An engineer believes he can use climactic high- and low pressure to walk into other worlds. Another man thinks he is God, fallen in love with the devil’s daughter. A mother comes to the conclusion that both her husband and her new-born daughter have been exchanged for evil powers.

People with delusions are both strange and strangely familiar to us. We are fascinated by bizarre and phantastical ideas, yet they force us to confront the possibility that the boundary between normality and delusion might be more permeable than we generally assume. With great humanity and warmth, Haug gives us an account of the delusional worlds of four of his patients. Each story takes readers further in their understanding of how delusions come about and how their difficult treatment develops. The book presents a moving journey into the human psyche.

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  • Language Territory Type Contact Person
  • Language: Chinese Territory: World Type: Any Contact Person: Susanne Simor
  • Language: Italian Territory: World Type: Any Contact Person: Susanne Simor
  • Language: Korean Territory: World Type: Any Contact Person: Susanne Simor

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