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Kant´s Critique of Pure Reason

Otfried Höffe

In this book, Otfried Höffe takes us step by step through one of the most important works in philosophy: Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’. Kant’s ideas are introduced, interpreted and critically evaluated. A guide to a core text of modern philosophy, critically reviewed and available in time for Kant’s 300th birthday. Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ occupies such an important position in modern philosophy that it can justifiably be called a foundational text. According to Arthur Schopenhauer, it is ‘the most important book ever written in Europe’. Almost every field of theoretical philosophy, and many areas of practical philosophy too, were revolutionised by this book. It has shaped the modern face of the landscape of Western thought. Otfried Höffe undertakes a new reading of Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’, producing a historical and systematic interpretation of it and relating it to contemporary philosophical questions.

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  • Language: Russian Territory: World Type: Any Contact Person: Anna-Sophia Mäder
  • Language: Any (TBD) Territory: World Type: Any Contact Person: Anna-Sophia Mäder

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