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Current Material

The Tomb of the Virgin

Stefan von der Lahr

Rome could be so beautiful this spring - sunny, turbulent, and inspired by the spirit of the approaching Council. Unfortunately, however, scholars, librarians of the Vatican Library, the high clergy, police and mafia have learned of a unique papyrus from the early days of Christianity. His possessions promise fame and wealth, but at the same time question fundamental beliefs. First of all, all those involved endeavour to obtain the valuable document inconspicuously. But then an incident occurs which makes any attempt to solve the matter discreetly a waste of time - the mysterious papyrus disappears. When Commissario Bariello of the Roman police and Monsignor Montebello of the Vatican Library jointly attempt to recover the thousand-year-old document, murderous competition breaks out for the knowledge that the papyrus contains. But in the chaos that breaks out there seems to be someone who pulls all the strings and spares neither death nor the devil...

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