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Current Material

Never Say Anything

Michael Lüders

Journalist Sophie Schelling is preparing herself for an ordinary business trip. But there are times when one ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time: Sophie witnesses something she should not have seen.

In this exciting political thriller, Michael Lüders takes us into the dark world of the American drone war. We are faced with questions about life and death, and with our own conscience: How far should we go in our quest for the truth? Would we sacrifi ce our future for it? Or would it be better to forget what we know? Sophie gets caught in the web of an all-powerful opponent - until her quest becomes a brutal fi ght for survival. An uncanny echo of events in today’s world, the narrative plunges into the dangerous world of secret services and an unfettered morality. The story is told from the perspective of a courageous woman who takes her profession as a journalist

a bit too seriously, to the degree that her very life is at stake. The contents are fi ctional, but similarities with the real world were difficult to avoid!

Michael Lüders is an author and oriental scholar, and a frequent guest on radio and TV shows. His last book published by C.H.Beck was „Sowing the Wind. What Western

Policies are doing to the Middle East“ (142015). Lüders has published four novels and one collection of stories.

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