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Handbook of Space Technology

Wilfried Ley |Klaus Wittmann |Willi Hallmann

This standard work, printed throughout in four colors, provides detailed insights into the fascinating world of space for students, engineers, scientists and space enthusiasts.

  • It covers the fundamentals followed by seven main chapters detailing the processes and methods of development, construction, operation and use of space flight systems: 
  • Space Delivery Systems 
  • Subsystems of Spacecraft
  • Aspects of Human Space Flight 
  • Mission Operations 
  • Utilization of Space 
  • Spacecraft Design Process 
  • Management of Space Projects.


The fifth printing of this handbookhas been amended with information of new planet and satellite missions; the content about space biology, satellite navigation, delivery systems and technology of unmanned and manned spacecraft has been updated. The individual chapters and subchapters, penned by leading experts from schools, research institutions and the space industry, are self-contained. This way selected parts can be accessed quickly for a well-founded overview.


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