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Robert Bosch

Peter Theiner

Robert Bosch (1861–1942) was one of the most successful German entrepreneurs of the 20th century and a pioneer of social market economy at the same time. This is a comprehensive biography of a talented visionary, who anticipated the future well beyond his time.

In the backyard of a Stuttgart tenement house in 1886, Robert Bosch opened a studio for precision and electrical engineering, which was to grow into the today‘s renowned Robert Bosch GmbH. Here, he developed ground-breaking innovations for automobiles, which quickly rose to international fame and success. Chiefl y remembered for the motorisation of traffi c and the electrifi cation of homes, his name is associated with one of Germany’s top ten multinational businesses today. Less well known is that Robert Bosch was also a socially responsible benefactor and patron, and a pioneer of social market economy. Moreover, he was a strict defender of democratic principles in times of war and major social transformation. In this impressive biography, Peter Theiner traces the life of a fascinating personality in an age of extremes, who paved the way for modernity with one of the world’s fi rst global enterprises

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  • Language: Chinese Territory: World Type: Any Contact Person: Susanne Simor

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