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When the Animals Moved to the Woods

Barbara Senckel

Well-known developmental psychologist Barbara Senckel has gathered thirty folk and fairy tales – including many classics as well as surprising discoveries – in a book that makes fairy tales accessible to adults and children alike. Rotraut Susanne Berner’s illustrations do their part to enchant readers. A book that will be beloved by children from four years and which parents, carers and teachers will return to again and again as an expert guide into the world of fairy tales.

Children love fairy tales. They help them to understand life and to master important milestones in their development. The tales show that outsiders can triumph and how pain can be overcome. Difficult tasks can be mastered, for example when siblings stand up for each other. And even those who are rejected by their parents have opportunities to thrive. Happiness, the tales show, substantially comes from following your own path. ‘When the Animals Moved to the Woods’ opens up the rich treasures of the world of fairy tales to young children. But they need mediators: parents and grandparents, nurseryand primary school teachers. The selection offered in this book takes into account age and interests of the children, and together with the beautiful illustrations and supplementary guides, makes it a pleasure for adults and children to go exploring together.

‘If you want intelligent children, read them fairy tales. If you want children that are even more intelligent, read them more fairy tales’

Albert Einstein

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  • Language: Korean Territory: World Type: Any Contact Person: Susanne Simor

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