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Dresden. The second Period.

Kurt Drawert

More than fifty years have passed since he moved to Dresden with his family as a child in 1967, he left again in 1985. Recently, Kurt Drawert returned as a writer-in-residence. His mother lives here, in a city that is familiar and yet completely unfamiliar to him.

The beauty and wounds of this city, the cracks in the family and in his own biography, the difficult relationship with his father and brothers are the themes and motifs of this dense, autobiographical novel. Just as much as the politically charged atmosphere in Dresden, the open questions about perpetrators and victims, in the great as in the personal story, and the search for a language for all this. With wit and sensitivity, with a feeling for the decisive moments and formative conflicts in family life, a sharp eye for detail, a bitingly analytical mind, with unforgettable memories and great power of language, Kurt Drawert tells of rejections and longing, desires and ruptures in his own life and their location in this city.

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