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The Art of Aging

Otfried Höffe

Aging is something that has to be learned, says German philosopher Otfried Höffe. In this book, he very specifically explores which conditions might allow a person to age happily and with dignity. Beyond the philosophical tradition and practical life advice, he also engages with the economic, medical, legal and social aspects of this topic.

Höffe’s philosophy of aging is aimed at those who are directly and indirectly affected by aging and does not shy away from taking a hard look at the experience. He consciously follows the tradition of philosophy as a way of life and also offers advice on the importance of staying active, and continuing to learn, love, and laugh. Naturally, no exploration of the art of aging would be complete if it didn’t discuss themes of dying and death as well. Höffe’s response to the threat of an “aging society” oppens the perspective on the “earned years” and defines the sociopolitical responsibilities that arise from higher life expectancy. These include creating age-friendly living spaces and ensuring conditions that support self-respect and self-determination in old age.

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  • Language: Italian Territory: World Type: Any Contact Person: Susanne Simor

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